Our new Everything Bath Salt mix inspired by Ebonie contains Healing, Uncrossing, Love & Money bath salts. This mixture aims to promote overall well-being, remove obstacles, attract love, and enhance financial while healing any unhealthy relationships you have in these areas.
Prepare Yourself:** Take a regular shower before the bath.
Using a Tub:
 1. **Draw a Bath:** Fill your bathtub with warm water. As you do this, focus on the intention of removing any negative energy or obstacles from your life.
2. **Add Bath Salts:** Add the recommended amount of bath salts to the bathwater. Typically, a handful or as instructed on the product.
3. **Stir Clockwise:** Use your hand or a tool to gently stir the water in a clockwise motion. As you do this, visualize the negative energy being lifted away.
4. **Enter the Bath:** Carefully step into the bath, submerging yourself. Close your eyes and focus on the cleansing energy surrounding you.
5. **Set Intentions:** While in the bath, set clear intentions for what you want to release or remove from your life. Visualize it washing away with the water.
”I am surrounded by healing energy, and my body is restored to perfect health.”
”Every cell in my body radiates with vitality and well-being.”
”I release all negative energy and obstacles from my path.”
”I am free from any burdens or negative influences.”
”My heart is open to giving and receiving love.”
”I attract loving and positive relationships into my life.”
”I am a magnet for financial abundance and prosperity.”
”Money flows to me easily and effortlessly.”
Repeat these affirmations aloud or in your mind during the bath ritual to reinforce your intentions. Adjust the wording to resonate more personally with you. The combination of bath salts and positive affirmations can create a powerful and transformative experience.
While soaking, repeat affirmations like “I release all negative energy” or “I am purified and renewed.
6. **Stay Present:** Relax in the bath for at least 15-20 minutes. Use this time for reflection, meditation, or simply to soak in the cleansing energy.
7. **Drain the Water:** When you’re ready, pull the plug and let the water drain, symbolizing the removal of negativity.
Without a Tub
If you don’t have a tub, you can adapt the ritual:
1. **Foot Soak:** Fill a basin or large bowl with warm water and add bath salts. Soak your feet while sitting comfortably.
2. **Stir and Visualize:** Stir the water with your hands or a tool in a clockwise motion. Visualize the negative energy leaving your body and being absorbed by the water.
3. **Set Intentions:** Focus on your intentions as you soak your feet. Imagine the cleansing energy moving up from your feet, through your body, and releasing any negativity.
4. **Dispose of Water:** When you’re done, dispose of the water away from your living space, symbolizing the removal of negative energy.
Remember, the effectiveness of such rituals often depends on personal belief and the energy you invest in your intentions. Adjust the process to suit your preferences and comfort level.
Please note you can also pour the water over you from head to note.
✨ ***Due to the nature of the product and sanitary reasons, oils are not eligible for refund or exchange.**✨ ** These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any diseases. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, always consult your primary physician before beginning any new herbal product. **
✨ ** By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested, and that includes the herbs. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease. ** 
✨ ** Disclaimer ~ Each oil may be used on your skin as they are made with skin safe ingredients, but it is always best to practice caution and wisdom before applying to the skin, therefore, a patch test is always recommended
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