Protect and uncross yourself with our uncrossing Bundle. Includes 1/2 fl oz Protection Oil, 2.5 oz bath salt, black obsidian crystal & a tea light candle.
Uncrossing Bath Salt:
Clear negativity and spiritual obstacles with Dvine Healing Hands Uncrossing Bath Salt. Add a few spoonfuls to your bathwater or if you don’t have a tub add to warm water and pour over body to release negativity. It cleanses your aura and removes crossed conditions, providing renewed positivity and balance.
Protection Oil:
Guard your well-being with Dvine Healing Hands Protection Oil. Apply it to your pulse points, add to lotion, anoint your personal items, or use it in rituals and affirmations for protection. It creates a protective shield, wards off negative influences, and promotes calm and security.
Protection Tea Candle:
Illuminate your space with Dvine Healing Hands Protection Candle. Light the candle in a safe place to invoke a sense of security. It fosters serenity and protection, perfect for rituals, meditations, and moments of vulnerability.
Black Obsidian Crystal:
Harness grounding and protection with Dvine Healing Hands Black Obsidian Crystal. Carry it with you, display it, or use it in your personal space. Known for warding off negativity and providing grounding, it’s perfect for personal security and protection.
✨ ***Due to the nature of the product and sanitary reasons, oils are not eligible for refund or exchange.**✨ ** These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any diseases. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding, or on any medications, always consult your primary physician before beginning any new herbal product. **
✨ ** By law we are required to say that we sell these products as Curios. Products sold on this site are NOT to be internally digested, and that includes the herbs. This product is not meant to replace medical treatment or intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any type of disease. ** 
✨ ** Disclaimer ~ Each oil may be used on your skin as they are made with skin safe ingredients, but it is always best to practice caution and wisdom before applying to the skin, therefore, a patch test is always recommended.
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